Friday, June 27, 2008

good things come to those who wait

August 2nd is just slightly over a month away, so you may be wondering why you haven't received your invitation to the wedding. After all, they are usually mailed at least 6 weeks prior to the event, right? Emily Post would not be impressed.

Well, the fact of the matter is, we are behind schedule. There are still many things on the wedding task list that have not been marked off. Lots of "to-do's" with no strike-through. And as Todd and I evaluated the July calendar, and factored in all of the commitments we already have, we realized that there are only two fully workable weekends between now and August 2nd.

Two weekends = too little time.

When that realization hit, the Great Stress Attack of 2008 quickly followed. And it wasn't pretty.

But then we had another realization, which was that we hadn't sent the invitations out yet, so the date wasn't really set in stone. If we needed more time, we could take it.

So, we decided to postpone the wedding. Don't worry--we are still getting married--it just won't happen on August 2nd. We don't have the new date set yet, but I will certainly keep you posted. And if this rescheduling causes an inconvenience for anyone else who has been planning for that date, I really am truly sorry, but I hope you'll understand that this is the best thing for us.

Cause otherwise, on August 2nd, you'd have a great-big-stress-monster marrying a man-who's-really-annoyed-by-a-great-big-stress-monster, and it wouldn't be pretty. Trust me.

Plus, it's gonna be hot as hades in August. Did you really want to sit through an outdoor wedding in 100+ degree weather? I didn't think so. Later will be much better.

So, stay tuned for an updated schedule, and thanks for understanding!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I know that this is inappropriate but YAY! We weren't going to get to come because of Bill and Jamie's wedding in B'more, so maybe the next date will work out better and we'll be able to be there for the hitching.

Also, is the stress monster anything like Cookie Monster?